Preparation for Receiving Sacraments


If you want to have your child baptised, you need to register him or her for the baptism. This can be done at the sT Barnabas Cluster office 1 Frithwood Crescent, Kents Hill, Milton keynes, MK7 6HQ.

You also need to attend a baptism course. Here you will not only find out what you need to know about the baptism of your child, but you also have the opportunity to meet parents who are in the same situation as you. It is important that, whenever possible, both parents come to the course.

Holy Communion

Children who wish to make their First Holy Communion should be in year 3 or above. 

The registration takes place in September or October. Please see the newsletter for details around that time.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated every year in May or June by the Bishop of Northampton. 

Young people in year 8 or above can be confirmed. The registration takes place in the autumn. Please see details on the New and events page around that time.


If you wish to marry at St Mary’s, please either speak to the priest or deacon after Mass or contact the Office (01908 221228).

Becoming a Catholic or becoming a Priest

Listen to one catholic priest on why he became a priest

Is God calling you? Our Journey in Faith group supports adults as they seek to respond more deeply to God’s call in their life and to enter into the Communion of the Catholic Church. We meet in a very informal setting and there is absolutely no pressure put on anyone to convert until they are fully ready and feel they have been prepared. We also welcome baptised Catholic adults wishing to be confirmed and baptised Catholic adults who wish to learn more about their faith. 

Meetings start in October and take place at St Augustine’s for all the churches in our Cluster. Please see the newsletter for details around that time.

Whatever your age, if you are thinking about receiving a sacrament please contact: Parish Secretary, Gillian Mcintyre Tel 01908-221228, email 


Junior Liturgy information  – contact Jayne Fagan on 01525-715477 or email her